High foot traffic

urban green spaces
Memorial Gardens

City of West Torrens, South Australia

The Challenge
The City of West Torrens, home to iconic green spaces like Memorial Gardens, Sheriff Street and Adelaide Airport Median, faced significant challenges in maintaining lush, inviting landscapes while adhering to strict water conservation mandates. The city’s groundskeeping team struggled to balance the need for vibrant, high-traffic-resistant turf with the imperative to reduce water consumption and operational costs.


The Solution
The City of West Torrens partnered with Cisgenics to implement the CisgenX irrigation management system across its key urban green spaces. The CisgenX system was chosen for its IoT-driven precision, adaptability, and proven water-saving capabilities.

Cisgenics worked closely with the city’s team to install the CisgenX system, seamlessly integrating it with existing infrastructure. The system’s advanced sensors were strategically placed to monitor soil moisture, weather conditions, and turf health in real-time.

Key features implemented included custom programming for different grass varieties, including the Kikuyu grass prevalent in Memorial Gardens. Weather stations were integrated for adaptive watering schedules. Additionally, remote monitoring and control capabilities were implemented for efficient management.


The City of West Torrens exemplifies how the CisgenX system revolutionises urban green space management. The city now maintains its beloved community areas like Memorial Gardens at an even higher standard while significantly reducing water consumption and costs. This outcome represents a win-win situation for both the city and the environment.

Our projects

Precise, efficient and sustainable advantage

Cisgenics irrigation systems are optimised for water and energy conservation, making them a compelling proposition for all developers and green asset owners who wish to succeed in their own green and sustainable agenda.